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Chapter 5: Introduction to presenting statistical analyses using STATA

Box 5.3 Assessing non-response bias

Box 5.3

Box 5.3 Code

Code for figure 5.3

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Box 5.4 Population profile from a report

Box 5.4 Population profie from a report Box 5.4 Population profie from a report

Box 5.4 Code

Code for figure 5.4

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Table 5.1 Single Concise table from a paper with adjusted and unadjusted estimates

Table 5.2 Table suitable for an oral presentation

Examples of how to do these analyses come later in the book (e.g., Figure 7.11 shows how to do a Chi-Square test and calculate relative risk for data for age; figure 10.4 shows how to do adjusted analyses using logistic regression which gives odds ratios, estimating the estimating the adjusted relative risk.

Figure 5.5 Calculating the confidence interval of a geometric mean

Figure 5.5 Calculating the confidence interval of a geometric mean in SAS Figure 5.5 Calculating the confidence interval of a geometric mean in SAS

Figure 5.5 Code

Code for figure 5.3

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Figure 5.6

Figure 5.6 Calculating the confidnece interval of a geometic mean in SAS

Figure 5.6 Code

Code for figure 5.6

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