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Sample of (N=1216) women

Unpublished data
Show relationship between bacterial vaginosis and demographics and history.
Data dictionary:

Each row contains the following 9 variables for each person.

Name Interpretation Data type Permitted Values
prevpreg Does the mother have a previous pregnancy? Numeric
top Previous termination of pregnancy Numeric
black Is the mother self reported as Black? Numeric 1 = "Yes"; 0 = "No"
marital Is the mother married? Numeric 1 = "Yes"; 0 = "No"
bv Does the mother have bacterial vaginosis? Numeric 1 = "Yes"; 0 = "No"
agegrp Age grouped Numeric 1 = "<25"; 0 = ">=25"
gestweek Weeks of gestation Numeric Integers < 40
misc Numeric 1 = "Yes"; 0 = "No"
oral Previous oral contraception Numeric 1 = "Yes"; 0 = "No"